Clare Housing Welcomes Three New Board Members in 2022 — 

Let’s Give A Warm Welcome to Our Three New Board Members!

Clare Housing is delighted to welcome Kelsey Vatsaas, Rose Teng & Brian Harrison to the Board of Directors.  They are each serving a three year term beginning in 2022.  

Our executive director, Phoebe Trepp, gave the following brief intro for each new member.  

Kelsey Vatsaas

Kelsey Vatsaas (she/her), is a former Board member, current member of the Finance Committee, Managing Principal of Nonprofit Industry at CLA, and longtime supporter. Kelsey is highly passionate about advancing Clare’s mission and was able to step in as our newest Board Treasurer.

Rose Teng

Rose Teng (she/her), previously worked at Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers for ten years as a public policy director, is now a Project Manager at US Bank. Rose is familiar with Clare Housing through her work and is passionate about supporting non-profits in building affordable housing.

Brian Harrison

Brian Harrison (he/him), is a professor of political science currently at Carleton College, previously with the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, with a research focus that includes political communication, LGBTQ politics, and public opinion. Brian is passionate about advocacy and LGBT issues.”

Click on each image to learn more about them in their own words.

Welcome Kelsey, Rose & Brian!  We are so glad to have you on the team!